So a little while back I got the question whether I'll start updating this blog again sometime...and I was thinking about doing that, really, but I just don't have the time to do as many reviews. That's why I'm thinking about making a bit more diverse blog that connects with my activities on instagram and involves not only reviews, but shout outs for stories that I read and would recommend, explanations on the directing I use for newfound ideas like the nerve-emoticons I used in Spotlight: Jellyfished for example, edits, drawings, fanmail, answering questions, giveaways and just information on my own stories. I'll do some reviews for giveaways or by requests (when I do have time like during holidays and such). But as I said from the beginning: I just can't do all that by myself. I've wanted someone to help me do this blog and have been searching and posting on the forum concerning this, but no one seemed interested and therefore, this blog kinda just died. I did two more reviews that aren't on this blog and one of them I published on my instagram (the other one I just deliver personally, as I did with all my reviews unless I got permission to publish).
You can follow me on instagram for story recommendations, the occasional review and updates on my own stories. My account is @himawari_1993 . Hope to see you there and perhaps on my new diverse blog in the future!
You can follow me on instagram for story recommendations, the occasional review and updates on my own stories. My account is @himawari_1993 . Hope to see you there and perhaps on my new diverse blog in the future!
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